Culture is always upstream of politics

The quote leapt, almost shouted, out of the screen – ‘culture is always upstream of politics’. The context in this broadcast case was that without culture, and the influence it plays on society, the Good Friday Agreement bringing a peace to the island of Ireland would have been a harder job to complete. As Booksellers we swim in the waters of popular culture, it’s where we thrive, it’s where our curiosities are satisfied, it’s here that our knowledge grows and new ideas are formed – we are the disciples of popular culture.
But sometimes that quote can be delivered the other way ‘round. Politics doesn’t always follow, sometimes it barges to the front and sets a tone completely at odds with culture, reducing our opportunities for knowledge, stifling those curiosities and ideas, diminishing our view of a wider world – sometimes for good reason. Culture and politics are curious bedfellows, they can be at odds with one another but could do their best work when they find common ground.
The Suit by Seamas Heaney
‘I’ll make you one,’ he said, ‘and balance it
Perfectly on you.’ So I could almost feel
The plumb line of the creased tweed hit my heel,
My shoulders like a spar or arms of a scale
Under the jacket, my whole shape realigned
In ways that suited me down to the ground.
So Although a suit was the last thing that I needed
I weighed his words and wore them and decided
There and then it was going for a song.

There are some zingers in the shop this week… and beyond, with the exciting cover reveal of Stephen King’s latest novel, due in May! From the book that inspired the new Bob Dylan biopic, complete with tote bag, pin badge and postcards for the ultimate movie buff, to Alison Weir’s bestselling historial fiction.
There’s a healing tonic for the body and environment in non-fiction. And with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we’ve got romantic poetry and tender picture books to bring a smile to a loved one’s face.
As always, if there’s anything you need, just pop by or reply to this email!
From Sophie
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