“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world”

Although waning, there was enough of the sun’s reflection to illuminate last night’s moon as it glided upwards through the strata of cloud over on the horizon. The illusion of the moon looking so much bigger at the beginning of its nightly ascent has always been fascinating. Of course the size remains constant, it’s just our perception which changes when presented with comparison. After a while, the cloud became too thick, and our slow traveller of the night disappeared completely.
Yesterday, being Valentines Day, thoughts turned to poetry of love, but whilst pootling about I stumbled across the following, just two lines, but as with everything Dr. Seuss, perfectly pitched.

Some fiction books are by tried-and-tested favourites, like Richard Coles or Anne Tyler, while other books are quiet at first, gaining popularity by word-of-mouth adoration, like Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar, now out in paperback. In non-fiction, history, science, and nature are on top form this week. From the evolution of language to a forbidden picnic, the discoveries are endless! For teens, a murder mystery that confronts harmful race divisions will thrill and empower, and little ones will enjoy Wiggling Words, a book designed to help with verbs.
As always, if there’s anything you need, just pop by or reply to this email!
From Sophie
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