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Clinicians in Court by Allan Edward Barsky
New to This Edition
*Reflects substantial updates in research, case law, and statutes.
*Aligns with current codes of ethics and practice guidelines of major professional organizations.
*"Upon Further Reflection" elements in each chapter, plus an additional appendix with a sample report from a treating clinician in a criminal case.
*New or expanded discussions of timely topics: restorative justice, ways to respond to subpoenas, using technology effectively in courtroom presentations, therapeutic witnessing, and more.
*Ancillary materials for practitioners, students, and instructors at the expanded companion website.
About the Author: Allan Edward Barsky, JD, MSW, PhD, is Professor in the Sandler School of Social Work at Florida Atlantic University, where he teaches graduate courses on professional ethics, conflict resolution, generalist practice with individuals, and clinical practice with groups. Dr. Barsky has practiced social work and mediation in various legal settings, including the criminal court in New York and the family courts in New York, Toronto, and Fort Lauderdale. He is a former chair of the National Ethics Committee of the National Association of Social Workers and former president of the Ontario Association for Family Mediation. Dr. Barsky is the author of several books. His research has been published in Negotiation Journal, Family and Conciliation Courts Quarterly, Child Welfare, Conflict Resolution Quarterly, International Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, and Child and Youth Services Review. His scholarly work has also been presented at international conferences in London, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Dublin, Seoul, Madrid, Ottawa, and Amsterdam.